Titles and Names
Of Christ
Apostle of our Profession
Arm of the Lord
Author and Finisher of our Faith
Author of Eternal Salvation
Beginning of the Creation of God
Beloved Son
Blessed and only Potentate
Captain of Salvation
Chief Shepherd
Christ of God
Consolation of Israel
Desire of all Nations
Elect of God
Everlasting Father
Faithful Witness
First and Last
First Begotten
Glory of the Lord
God Blessed
Heir of all Things
Holy Child
Holy One
Holy one of God
Holy one of Israel
Horn of Salvation
Image of God
Judge of Israel
Just One
King of the Ages
King of the Jews
King of Saints
Light of the World
Lion of the Tribe of Judah
Lord of All
Lord of Glory
Lord of Lords
Lord our Righteousness
Messenger of the Covenant
Mighty God
Mighty One
Only Begotten Son
Our Passover
Prince of Kings
Prince of Life
Resurrection and Life
Root of David
Rose of Sharon
Seed of Woman
Shepherd and Bishop of Souls
Son of the Blessed
Son of David
Son of the Highest
Son of Righteousness
Father of Lights
Holy One of Israel
Lord of Hosts
Lord of Lords
Lord of Sabaoth
Eternal Spirit
Free Spirit
Power of the Highest
Spirit of Adoption
Spirit of Christ
Spirit of Counsel
Spirit of Glory
Spirit of God
Spirit of Grace
Spirit of Holiness
Spirit of Judgment
Spirit of Knowledge
Spirit of Life
Spirit of Lord God
Spirit of Might
Spirit of Prophecy
Spirit of the Father
Spirit of the Lord
Spirit of the Son
Spirit of Understanding
Spirit of Wisdom
Assembly of the Saints
Assembly of the Upright
Family in Heaven
General Assembly
God's Building
God's Husbandry
Habitation of God
Heavenly Jerusalem
Household of God
Israel of God
Pillar and Ground of Truth
Spiritual House
Spouse of Christ
Angels of the Church
Fishers of Men
Ministers of the Church
Ministers of Christ
Ministers of God
Ministers of the Gospel
Ministers of the Lord
Ministers of the Word
Preachers of Righteousness
Servants of Christ
Servants of the Church
Servants of God
Servants of the Lord
Stewards of God
Stewards of Grace
Stewards of Mysteries
Beloved Brethren
Brethren Spiritual
Children of God
Dear Children
Ransomed of the Lord
Sons of God
Trees of Righteousness
Vessels of Honour
Vessels of Mercy
Angel of the bottomless Pit
God of this World
Prince of Devils
Prince of the Power of the Air
Ruler of Darkness
Unclean Spirits
Wicked One
Abominable Branches
Children of Disobedience
Children of Hell
Children of Pride
Children of the Bondwoman
Children of the Devil
Children of the Wicked One
Children of the World
Children of Wrath
Cursed Children
Enemies, God's
Enemies of the Cross
Enemies of Righteousness
Evil Generation
Rebellious Children
Rebellious Nation
Rebellious People
Vessels of Wrath
Wandering Stars
Whited Sepulchres
Book, The
Book of the Law
Holy Scriptures
Sword of the Spirit