Ability of
to raise up children from stones to do exceeding abundantly to guard the soul's treasures Blessings of, rest upon his People To Repentance and a Righteous Life Call to Leadership, examples of Claims of, Upon All the Possessions of Men Displeasure, on account of sin Draw Near to, In Prayer and Fellowship God Spoken of as the Father of all Men The Possession of, Characterized as "Pleasing God" A Characteristic of Christ The Aim of the True Minister Moses' Fellowship with God As a Symbol of the Divine Presence and Power Enables men to lead the Simple Life May be rendered ineffectual Not given for selfish use Upon Men for Chastisement and punishment Enables men to lead the Simple Life May be rendered ineffectual Not given for selfish use Upon Men for Chastisement and punishment Exalted above all nations The law written upon their hearts Assured by Divine Ability Culminate in Everlasting Life Promises to the Afflicted Comfort of God's Presence All Things work for the Believer's Good Sufficiency of Divine Grace Fellowship in Christ's Sufferings Membership in the Company of the Redeemed Final Deliverance from Sorrow and Pain An Overshadowing Providence Power to Tread on Evil Forces Safety through Christ's Intercession The Bruising of the Serpent's Head Provision of a Way of Escape Succour in the Trying Hour Special Promises to Religious Workers Strikes Terror into Hearts of Sinners Witnessing to Christ's Divinity Establishes a Divine Relationship Christ the Perfect Example of Tends to Spiritual Knowledge The Rule of Every-day Life Furnishes a Light in Darkness Sacred - not to be Altered Profitable, general references to Examples of Righteous Men Dominated by For God and Sacred things enjoined ASHTAROTH or ASHTORETH, a goddess of the Phoenicians BAAL a god of Phoenicia and the Canaanitish Tribes BAAL-PEOR, a god of the Moabites CHEMOSH, a god of the Moabites DAGON, a god of the Philistines DIANA, a goddess of the Ephesians MOLECH, Moloch, or Milcom, a god of the Ammonites Some Things more Precious than General References to Good Company Furnish a Pattern for Imitation Tend to Summons Others to their Tasks Demonstrate the Reality of Faith Insufficient to Secure Salvation Special Commands Concerning Doing Good In the field of Christian Work The good in contact with evil as a saving influence There will come a day of Separation UNIVERSAL, to be Preached throughout the World Manifested in the Control of Men Excommunication as Practised among the Jews Enables men to lead the Simple Life May be rendered ineffectual Not given for selfish use Manifested in Self-Sacrifice Sufficient for All Human Needs Bestows Unmerited Favours Manifested in Self-Sacrifice Sufficient for All Human Needs Enables men to lead the Simple Life May be rendered ineffectual Not given for selfish use GRATITUDE to men, examples of Evil for Good, the Returning of The laying the Foundation of the Temple The Resurrection of Christ The Conversion of the Gentiles Mysteries, that test the faith of men Of the Prosperity of the Wicked Of the Union of Christ with the Church True, general references to of one of the chief Pharisees Not to seek social pre-eminence Not to be critical of food In the Midst of Uncertainties Explicit Instructions given As to Leaving old associations Coming out from retirement The Scribes and Pharisees The Scribes and Pharisees (Greek, Hades), The Abode of the Dead Bore Abraham a son, Ishmael Cast out of the home through the jealousy of her mistress An angel appears to her with a comforting promise Upon Men for Chastisement and punishment The Little Maid's, by Jesus Dorcas, by Peter in Restoring Life In Consecration of Offerings In Ordination or Consecration of Men for Service The Little Maid's, by Jesus Dorcas, by Peter in Restoring Life Industry and Maternal Love Affliction of the Righteous leads to Spiritual - General References to Reaped at the Judgment Day According to the Seed Sown Sure to Come in the Fulness of Time The King's Business Requires The Urgency of the Work Demands The Rashness of Delaying God's Messengers Hastening to the Place of Prayer Haste in Delivering the Message Haste in Giving the Invitation The King's Business Requires The Urgency of the Work Demands The Rashness of Delaying God's Messengers Hastening to the Place of Prayer Haste in Delivering the Message Haste in Giving the Invitation PROCRASTINATION, causes of The Egyptians, in Attempting to Escape God's Judgments Israel, in Seeking to Enter the Promised Land Saul, in Repenting his Disobedience Israel, in Repenting of Sin
The Foolish Virgins, in Preparing for the Coming of the Bridegroom
Judas, in Repenting his Betrayal of Christ Those Knocking at the Closed Door Esau, in Repenting the Sale of his Birthright HEALTH, promised to the obedient Sometimes sent as a Judgment for Sin The Righteous suffer from BODILY INFIRMITIES, general references to Careless, Characteristics of Divine, God attentive to the Prayers of the Saints Hence should be Carefully Guarded Fountain-head of all evil Source of unbelief and covetousness Fountain-head of all evil Source of unbelief and covetousness The people who Rebuked the Blind Man The Spectators at the Cross Those who fail to Help the Poor Cast Out of Canaan Because of sin HEAVENLY HOME the final dwelling place of the Saints A Safe-deposit for Treasures Contains a Register of the Saints The Glorified Christ Entered into The Redeemed of all Nations Assembled Obedience, the Condition of Entrance Assures Future Exaltation Promises a place of Permanent Residence Furnishes an Undying Hope Provides a Glorious Inheritance A Register is kept of the Names of the Citizens God Spoken of as the Father of all Men HEAVENLY HOME the final dwelling place of the Saints A Safe-deposit for Treasures Contains a Register of the Saints The Glorified Christ Entered into The Redeemed of all Nations Assembled Obedience, the Condition of Entrance
Of the Passover, held on the 14th of the first month, Abib (April),
to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt
Of Pentecost, or Weeks, held at the end of Wheat Harvest, 6th of
Sivan (June) to commemorate the giving of the Law
Of Trumpets, held the first of the seventh month Ethanim (October)
Of Tabernacles, or Ingathering, held 15th to the 22nd of Ethanim
(October), as a thanksgiving for the harvest
Of Dedication, held the 25th of Chisleu (December), to commemorate
the reconsecration of the temple after its pollution by the Syrians
Of Purim, held the 14th and 15th of Adar (March), to commemorate the
deliverance of the Jews from Haman
General references to Natural The child Samuel assists Eli A boy who waited upon David and Jonathan A little maid who aided Naaman in securing his health The boy Christ about his Father's business The lad who have his lunch to help feed the multitude DIVINE HELPER, God as helper of his people Through the Difficulties of Life's Journey Obstacles Removed from the Pathway Worldly allurements prevented the escape of Lot's wife The attempt to use the equipment of Saul delayed David Discouraged men opposed the building of the wall of Jerusalem Unbelief hindered Christ's work in Nazareth
Worldly possessions kept back the rich young man from discipleship
Imaginary hindrances loom up before the Christian worker Family ties prevent a man from following Christ Weights, as well as sins, impede progress STUMBLING-BLOCKS in the way of men Unfaithful Leaders become Hypocrites in the Church Declared to be All need to Watch against becoming OFFENCES (causes of stumbling| Seek to Silence the Prophets and Religious Leaders Evil Influence of the Wicked Upon Posterity Beneficent Influence of the Righteous When Obedient were Invincible
Crisis of Choice: Chose to forsake the idols of his father, Ahaz
and purged the Kingdom from idolatry He prayed unto the Lord and was delivered
Crisis of Sickness: Obedience furnished him a foundation for prayer
and healing
Crisis of Prosperity: He manifested pride and displayed his
treasures to the ungodly
Sometimes used for True Worship Obstacles that Test the Faith of Believers Lack of Sympathy on the part of the Church Discouraging Circumstances Divine Delays, not a hindrance but a test By a strange plan of campaign By reducing a general's army By requiring dependence upon a poor widow By demanding the last morsel of bread By requiring, what appeared to be, useless work By requiring extensive preparation with no blessing in sight Worldly allurements prevented the escape of Lot's wife The attempt to use the equipment of Saul delayed David Discouraged men opposed the building of the wall of Jerusalem Unbelief hindered Christ's work in Nazareth
Worldly possessions kept back the rich young man from discipleship
Imaginary hindrances loom up before the Christian worker Family ties prevent a man from following Christ Weights, as well as sins, impede progress Seek to Silence the Prophets and Religious Leaders Lack of Sympathy on the part of the Church Discouraging Circumstances Divine Delays, not a hindrance but a test Ambition - General References to Prophecies of the Rebuilding of Bestowed in Answer to Prayer Personal Cleansing Precedes
Examples of Men Receiving the Gift of, under the Old Dispensation
Believers in the Early Church Baptized with Cornelius and his Company Bearing Witness to the Spiritual Adoption of Believers Controls the Movements of Believers Directs in the Selection of Christian Leaders Chooses the Fields of Operation Obedience to, a Mark of Sonship Brings to remembrance Christ's words Testifies concerning Christ Convicts the world of sin Bestowed in Answer to Prayer Personal Cleansing Precedes Old Testament Reference to Cornelius and his Company Controls the Movements of Believers Directs in the Selection of Christian Leaders Chooses the Fields of Operation Obedience to, a Mark of Sonship Brings to remembrance Christ's words Testifies concerning Christ Convicts the world of sin Produced in All Periods of Life Grown only upon Good Ground The Product of Heavenly Wisdom Gives Men Courage to Rebuke Sin Mightier than Physical Forces Jesus the Supreme Example of Accompanies the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Enables Men to Speak with Authority Fills Life with Healing Influences Essential to Spiritual Vision
Each verse given below contains either the number 6,7 or 8, Hence
called "The 6's, 7's and 8's of the Holy Spirit"
The Abiding Guest (<a href="part0001.xhtml#kjvjohn14_16">John 14:16</a>
The Teacher and Remembrancer (<a href="part0001.xhtml#kjvjohn14_26">John 14:26</a>
The Testifier (<a href="part0001.xhtml#kjvjohn15_26">John 15:26</a>
The Reprover (<a href="part0001.xhtml#kjvjohn16_7">John 16:7-8</a> )
The Guide, the Voice of God, the Prophet (<a href="part0001.xhtml#kjvjohn16_13">John 16:13</a>
The Glorifier of Jesus (<a href="part0001.xhtml#kjvjohn16_14">John 16:14</a>
The Exhibitor of Jesus (<a href="part0001.xhtml#kjvjohn16_15">John 16:15</a>
The Spiritual Dynamo (<a href="part0001.xhtml#kjvacts1_8">Acts 1:8</a>
The Witness to Sonship (<a href="part0001.xhtml#kjvromans8_16">Romans 8:16</a>
The Helper in Prayer (<a href="part0001.xhtml#kjvromans8_26">Romans 8:26</a>
The Solicitor (<a href="part0001.xhtml#kjvrevelation22_17">Revelation 22:17</a>
Admonitions concerning Abiding at Special Privileges of the Betrothed For other references to Marriage Hagar's Love for her Child Rizpah's Love for her Sons The Mother of Solomon's Time The Mother's Unforgettable Love Examples of Fathers' Love Wives' Counsel, examples of The Correction of Children Evil Influence of Parents Sins of Parents Visited upon the Children Present at Religious Worship The child Samuel assists Eli A boy who waited upon David and Jonathan A little maid who aided Naaman in securing his health The boy Christ about his Father's business The lad who have his lunch to help feed the multitude The Commandment with Promise Examples of Good Children of good Parentage Good Children of Wicked Men Dishonouring Parents, Different Ways of By Stubbornness and Sensuality By Despising their Mother By Strife in the Household By Failure in Providing for Rebekah and her daughters-in-law Childlessness regarded as a Misfortune Presence of children in the home Blessings of wifehood and motherhood Maternal and paternal love Joshua establishes religion in his home Job sanctifies his children The healed demoniac told to go home and witness for Christ Mary sits at Jesus' feet in her home Andrew leads his brother to Christ The entire family of the nobleman accept Christ Lydia and her household converted The Philippian jailer and his family are baptized Home, the best place to show piety Abraham exerts a spiritual influence upon his family Jacob commands his household to put away idols Manoah prays for instruction in regard to his coming child David gives godly advice to his son, Solomon Zacharias, the godly father of John the Baptist Cornelius, the head of a religious household David, for the life of his child The father, for the demoniac The Woman who exchanged her Home and all she had for an Apple The voyage of the Big Boat The Boy who lost his Home by mocking The Young Man whom an Angel Saved
The Young Man who traded his Inheritance for a dish of Pottage
The Boy Captive who became prime minister The Baby's Cry that won his way to a palace A fit of Anger that cost a good Man his Life How Snake bites were Healed The Woman who used a Red Cord to save her Life The Man who could not keep his Hands from Beautiful things
A Band that captured a City by marching around it thirteen times
The Man who won a Battle with Pitchers and Lights The Young Man who became a Slave by having his hair cut The Boy who could hear God's Voice
The Men of curiosity who looked into a Sacred Chest and Lost their
The Young Farmer who went out seeking Donkeys and found a Crown
The Anointing of the Young Shepherd The Killing of the Pet Lamb The Handsome Prince Caught in a Tree The Prophet fed by the Birds The Food that never grew Less The Man who used a Cloak to get through a River The Minister's Boys who were saved from Slavery A Race for a little Boy's Life
The Captive Girl who returned good for Evil and Saved a Man's Life
The Borrowed Axe that floated The Choir that won a battle by Singing The most Wonderful House in the world
An Eating and Drinking Contest won by four Temperance Young Men
Three Young Men who would not Bend, Budge, or Burn The Man the Lions would not eat The Star that led to the Baby's Cradle The Woman who Prayed with her finger Five girls Locked out in the cold The Lost Boy who was found in the Church Mr. Selfishness, Mr. Curiosity, Mr. Kind-hearted The Men who were invited to a Feast Nine Men who forgot to say "Thank You" The Boy who ran away from Home Thirty-eight years beside a Pool and never a Chance to get in The Boy whose lunch fed 5000 Men The Song that opened the Jail Doors The final dwelling place of the Saints A Safe-deposit for Treasures Contains a Register of the Saints The Glorified Christ Entered into The Redeemed of all Nations Assembled Obedience, the Condition of Entrance Joshua establishes religion in his home Job sanctifies his children The healed demoniac told to go home and witness for Christ Mary sits at Jesus' feet in her home Andrew leads his brother to Christ The entire family of the nobleman accept Christ Lydia and her household converted The Philippian jailer and his family are baptized Home, the best place to show piety Abraham exerts a spiritual influence upon his family Jacob commands his household to put away idols Manoah prays for instruction in regard to his coming child David gives godly advice to his son, Solomon Zacharias, the godly father of John the Baptist Cornelius, the head of a religious household David, for the life of his child The father, for the demoniac A Tribute to Success or Wealth Wisdom and Virtue lead to True Honour comes from God Wisdom and Virtue lead to A Tribute to Success or Wealth FAME, general references to TRUE GREATNESS, general references to DISHONOUR, the wicked are brought to The Wicked Ashamed, General References to NOT ASHAMED, the righteous Cheers the Dying Hour of the Saints Anticipates Christ's Coming Grounded in the Resurrection of Christ Enabled Abraham to become the Father of the Faithful The Saving element in Life The Scriptures the Source of Believers Called to Testify concerning Enabled Abraham to become the Father of the Faithful The Saving element in Life The Scriptures the Source of Believers Called to Testify concerning Cheers the Dying Hour of the Saints Anticipates Christ's Coming Grounded in the Resurrection of Christ HOPELESSNESS, General References to Leads Men to Desire Death Sometimes drives Men to Suicide of one of the chief Pharisees Attendance upon, Reasons for A Refuge in Times of Trouble The Example of the Apostles Certain Leaders in Israel No power to change a hair No power to add a stature A little bread and a bottle of water A handful of meal and a cruse of oil Five barley loaves and two small fishes Small offerings accepted from the poor A cup of cold water, not despised Faith, even as a grain of mustard seed, mighty
Two or three assembled in Christ's name have the promise of the
divine presence
Manifested in the Incarnation Examples of Men Humbling themselves before Men Of Appearance He hath no form nor comeliness Of Worldly success He is despised and rejected of men Of Reputation He shall be called a Nazarene Of Riches He hath not where to lay his head Of Rank Is not this the carpenter's son? Of Kingship He washed the disciples' feet Examples of Men Humbling themselves before Men Of Appearance He hath no form nor comeliness Of Worldly success He is despised and rejected of men Of Reputation He shall be called a Nazarene Of Riches He hath not where to lay his head Of Rank Is not this the carpenter's son? Of Kingship He washed the disciples' feet SINNERS HUMBLING THEMSELVES IN PENITENCE, examples of JEWISH PRIDE, as the chosen nation ARROGANCE, general references to CONCEIT, warnings against The Resurrection and Life "I will" raise him up at the last day If I be lifted up, "I will" draw "I will" that they be with me If "I will" that he tarry Examples of the Destruction of Idols Prophecies concerning the Overthrow of Unworthy of Worship of Intelligent Beings ASHTAROTH or ASHTORETH, a goddess of the Phoenicians BAAL a god of Phoenicia and the Canaanitish Tribes BAAL-PEOR, a god of the Moabites CHEMOSH, a god of the Moabites DAGON, a god of the Philistines DIANA, a goddess of the Ephesians MOLECH, Moloch, or Milcom, a god of the Ammonites The Golden Calf made by Aaron The Golden Calves of Jeroboam, set up in Dan and Bethel Teraphim, images, household gods Men Deified and Worshipped Groves (Asherah or Asherim) places where shrines were located If thou be the Son of God, turn stones into bread If thou be the Son of God, leap from the top of the temple Brevity of Life Limits Knowledge Nature And Grace Full of Mysteries It misleads, fetters and deceives men It results in unconscious deterioration of men It manifests itself in self-confidence It retains sin in the heart It is associated with self-righteousness MAN MADE IN THE DIVINE IMAGE ASHTAROTH or ASHTORETH, a goddess of the Phoenicians BAAL a god of Phoenicia and the Canaanitish Tribes BAAL-PEOR, a god of the Moabites CHEMOSH, a god of the Moabites DAGON, a god of the Philistines DIANA, a goddess of the Ephesians MOLECH, Moloch, or Milcom, a god of the Ammonites The Golden Calf made by Aaron The Golden Calves of Jeroboam, set up in Dan and Bethel Teraphim, images, household gods Men Deified and Worshipped In Committing Popular Sins In Bad Governmental Policies In Following a Bad Example Inability to Receive Strong Doctrine Continuance in the Primary Department Paul after his Conversion Paul and Silas in Responding to the Macedonian Call Moses, at the murmuring of Israel Naaman, at the conditions imposed by the prophet Jonah, at the blasting of the gourd The disciples, at the outcry of the Syrophenician woman James and John, at the inhospitality of the Samaritans Martha, with her sister Mary He must be about his Father's Business He must Accomplish his Work He must Work while the Day Lasted He must go to Jerusalem to suffer The Nobleman from Capernaum In Consecration of Offerings In Ordination or Consecration of Men for Service Hearers with a short Memory Preaching and not Practising Brings Reproach upon the Cause of Truth The Love of Sleep, a Mark of Indolence Revealed in the Coming of the Holy Spirit Demonstrates to the World Christ's Mission The Old Life dies that the New may Live Question of the Multitude The Pharisees' Opinion sought Unbelievers, General References to The Disciples Powerless to Heal The Disciples in the Storm The Two on the Way to Emmaus Momentary Doubts cloud the Skies of Believers Abraham, as to the Inheritance of Canaan Gideon, as to Victory over Midian John the Baptist, as to the Messiahship of Jesus Martha, as to the Resurrection of Lazarus Thomas, as to the Resurrection of Christ Early Christians, as to the Deliverance of Peter ATHEISM, general references to MATERIALISM, instances of Evil Influence of Unfaithful Christians Evil Influences emanate from the Ungodly Evil Influences emanate from the Ungodly
The people dwelt in booths to commemorate life in the wilderness
Sometimes Attributed to God INNOCENCE, general references to PURITY, Christian, General References to THE SPOTLESS LIFE, general references to The Scribes and Pharisees CONVICTION OF SIN, results of The Teachings of the Scriptures Fall of the Wicked Foretold The Sudden Overthrow of Sinners Accompanied by His Presence Like Branches in the Vine A tenant in a house of clay An atom in the natural universe A grasshopper when compared to God Yet under the watchful care of the Almighty Inspiration of Prophets and Teachers Given with Infinite Pains Christ, the Great Teacher Spiritual Instruction Despised A handful of meal and a little oil A cloud the size of a man's hand Men of God, Chosen Instruments to accomplish God's purposes Used in Worship and celebrations Drunkards, General References to Excess, General References to Warnings concerning the use of Christ's Intercession with the Father for Mankind For Sending of the Comforter Our Acceptance Depends upon Examples of Man's with his Fellow-men Intercessory Prayer, examples of A Man of God for Jeroboam Man's with Christ, examples of A Man of God for Jeroboam Drunkards, General References to Of the Backslider's Heart Of All who will give him Entrance The Incarnation of Christ, both a mystery and a revelation THE "COMES" OF GOD'S WORD Come into a place of Safety Come to a Goodly Fellowship Come for Personal Cleansing Come for a Satisfying Portion Come at the King's urgent Invitation Come at the Three-fold Call To Repentance and a Righteous Life Call to Leadership, examples of THE "COMES" OF GOD'S WORD Come into a place of Safety Come to a Goodly Fellowship Come for Personal Cleansing Come for a Satisfying Portion Come at the King's urgent Invitation Come at the Three-fold Call To Repentance and a Righteous Life Call to Leadership, examples of Makes the Message Inevitable Imitated his father's sin Born of a bigamous marriage, with a foreigner May have had childish dreams that he was to be the heir Lacking prudence, mocked at the weaning-feast of his rival Returned to attend the funeral of his father, Abraham Became the head of a great nation Name given to God's Chosen People Exalted to a High Position Under the Special protection of Jehovah Promised Special Immunity from Calamities Lost the Joy of Divine Favour Compared to an Unfruitful Vine Characterized as an Adulteress Threatened with Reprobation Became a By-word to Neighbouring Nations Became a By-word to Neighbouring Nations Fulfilment of Prophecies Concerning Under the Special protection of Jehovah Kings before the Division of the Kingdom 17. Jehoahaz (c), or Shallum 19. Jehoiachin, or Jeconiah 20. Zedekiah, or Mattaniah Name given to God's Chosen People Exalted to a High Position Under the Special protection of Jehovah Promised Special Immunity from Calamities Lost the Joy of Divine Favour Compared to an Unfruitful Vine Characterized as an Adulteress Threatened with Reprobation Became a By-word to Neighbouring Nations Kings before the Division of the Kingdom 17. Jehoahaz (c), or Shallum 19. Jehoiachin, or Jeconiah 20. Zedekiah, or Mattaniah Fulfilment of Prophecies Concerning Reaped the result of his own sin Disciplined by affliction An Apostle, son of Zebedee, brother of John An Apostle, son of Alphaeus
"The Lord's Brother" (authorities differ as to the existence and
identity of this character)
After the resurrection joined the disciples
Possibly was won by the appearance of the Lord after his
Regarded by many as one of the leaders of the church at Jerusalem
Also author of the epistle of James (?) The Labourers in the Vineyard Son of Jehu, king of Israel Son of Jehoram, king of Judah Or Shallum, son of Josiah, king of Judah Or Joash, king of Israel, son of Jehoahaz Or Jehonadab, son of Rechab King of Judah, son of Jehoshaphat Or Joram, king of Israel, son of Ahab