The Arch Deceiver attempts to Ruin Men
By lying promises
Wresting the Scriptures
Cunning plans
Appearing as an angel of light
Confess Christ
In the Affliction of the Saints
May be overcome by Divine Grace
A Limit to His Temptations
Knows when he is Defeated
Angel of the bottomless Pit
God of this World
Prince of Devils
Prince of the Power of the Air
Ruler of Darkness
Unclean Spirits
Wicked One
Permitted to Afflict the Righteous
Claims Authority over the World
Sinners Under the Dominion of
Blinds the Minds of Unbelievers
Contends with the Saints
Inspires Lying Wonders
Called the Prince of this World
Tempts men
Vanquished by men
Promises of Ultimate Triumph
Over Evil Influences of Men
Over Malign Spiritual Forces
Over Severest Afflictions
Over Worldly Allurements
Over all Satanic Powers
The Malignant Work of
Slandering Saints
Inflicting Disease
Opposing the Righteous
Tempting Christ
Removing the Good Seed
Ruining the Soul and Body
Brazen Serpent