Over Nature
Over his own Life
Demonstrated by his Resurrection
Able to Deliver
to raise up children from stones
to fulfil promises
to make grace abound
to do exceeding abundantly
to subdue all things
to guard the soul's treasures
to save to the uttermost
to keep from falling
A jaw-bone
Five smooth stones
A handful of meal and a little oil
A cloud the size of a man's hand
Small things
The mustard seed
Five barley loaves
God's Instrument Case
In multiplying the loaves
walking on the sea
discovering the tribute money
blighting the fig-tree
stilling the tempest
turning water into wine
General References to the Control of the Elements
Spiritual - General References to
Gives Men Courage to Rebuke Sin
Mightier than Physical Forces
Jesus the Supreme Example of
Accompanies the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Enables Men to Speak with Authority
Examples of Men Receiving the Gift of, under the Old Dispensation
The Seventy Elders
Believers in the Early Church Baptized with
Believers at Pentecost
The Samaritan Christians
Cornelius and his Company
Increased by Self-denial
Dependent upon Faith
Unlimited to those who Abide in Christ
To be most Effective, should be accompanied by Praise
Manifest in the life of Elijah
The dying thief
Early disciples
Permitted to Afflict the Righteous
Claims Authority over the World
Sinners Under the Dominion of
Blinds the Minds of Unbelievers
Contends with the Saints
Inspires Lying Wonders
Of Testimony
Recounts God's Blessings
Bursts forth from an Inward Fire
An Everyday Duty
Inspired by the "Spirit"
Becomes Irrepressible
The Outgrowth of Faith
A Devouring Flame
A Crushing Hammer
A Life-giving Force
A Saving Power
A Defensive Weapon
A Probing Instrument
In multiplying the loaves
walking on the sea
discovering the tribute money
blighting the fig-tree
stilling the tempest
turning water into wine
General References to the Control of the Elements
Ability to heal Lepers
Ability to give Absent Healing
Ability to Control Demons
Ability to Raise the Dead
Ability to Hold Fast to the Believer
Ability to Keep Spiritual Treasures
Ability to Save to the Uttermost
To still the tempest
To forgive sins
To heal the sick
To provide for the multitude
To cast out demons
To control the forces of nature
To come down from the cross
To raise the dead
To conquer death