Demonstrated by his Resurrection to raise up children from stones to do exceeding abundantly to guard the soul's treasures A handful of meal and a little oil A cloud the size of a man's hand In multiplying the loaves discovering the tribute money General References to the Control of the Elements Spiritual - General References to Gives Men Courage to Rebuke Sin Mightier than Physical Forces Jesus the Supreme Example of Accompanies the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Enables Men to Speak with Authority Fills Life with Healing Influences
Examples of Men Receiving the Gift of, under the Old Dispensation
Believers in the Early Church Baptized with Cornelius and his Company Unlimited to those who Abide in Christ To be most Effective, should be accompanied by Praise Manifest in the life of Elijah Permitted to Afflict the Righteous Claims Authority over the World Sinners Under the Dominion of Blinds the Minds of Unbelievers Relates to Personal Experience Bursts forth from an Inward Fire In multiplying the loaves discovering the tribute money General References to the Control of the Elements STRENGTH, moral and spiritual promised Ability to give Absent Healing Ability to Control Demons Ability to Raise the Dead Ability to Hold Fast to the Believer Ability to Keep Spiritual Treasures Ability to Save to the Uttermost To provide for the multitude To control the forces of nature To come down from the cross