Holy Spirit
(Select Readings,)
(Select Readings,)
Dwelling in Believers
Upon Young and Old
Christ the Giver of
Bestowed in Answer to Prayer
Empowers for Service
Personal Cleansing Precedes
Examples of Men Receiving the Gift of, under the Old Dispensation
The Seventy Elders
Believers in the Early Church Baptized with
Believers at Pentecost
The Samaritan Christians
Cornelius and his Company
The Leadership of
Guides into All Truth
Controls the Movements of Believers
Directs in the Selection of Christian Leaders
Chooses the Fields of Operation
Obedience to, a Mark of Sonship
Abides forever
Brings to remembrance Christ's words
Testifies concerning Christ
Convicts the world of sin
Guides into all truth
Upon Young and Old
Christ the Giver of
Bestowed in Answer to Prayer
Empowers for Service
Personal Cleansing Precedes
Old Testament Reference to
The Seventy Elders
Believers at Pentecost
The Samaritan Christians
Cornelius and his Company
Guides into All Truth
Controls the Movements of Believers
Directs in the Selection of Christian Leaders
Chooses the Fields of Operation
Obedience to, a Mark of Sonship
Abides forever
Brings to remembrance Christ's words
Testifies concerning Christ
Convicts the world of sin
Guides into all truth
Produced in All Periods of Life
Grown only upon Good Ground
The Product of Heavenly Wisdom
Gives Men Courage to Rebuke Sin
Mightier than Physical Forces
Jesus the Supreme Example of
Accompanies the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Enables Men to Speak with Authority
Birth of a New Spirit
Of Divine Origin
Essential to Spiritual Vision
A New Creation
Necessary to Salvation
Obtained by Faith
Eternal Spirit
Free Spirit
Power of the Highest
Spirit of Adoption
Spirit of Christ
Spirit of Counsel
Spirit of Glory
Spirit of God
Spirit of Grace
Spirit of Holiness
Spirit of Judgment
Spirit of Knowledge
Spirit of Life
Spirit of Lord God
Spirit of Might
Spirit of Prophecy
Spirit of the Father
Spirit of the Lord
Spirit of the Son
Spirit of Understanding
Spirit of Wisdom