Design of, that Men might Know the Power of the Lord
Design of, that Men might Know the Power of the Lord
Rod made serpent
Rod restored
Hand made leprous
Water turned into blood
River into blood
First-born destroyed
Sea divided
Egyptians overwhelmed
Water sweetened
Water from rock
Amalek vanquished
Destruction of Korah
Water from rock in Kadesh
Brazen Serpent
Aaron's rod blossoms
Of Joshua
Jordan divided
Jericho taken
Sun and moon stayed
Lion slain
Philistines killed
Gates carried away
Dagon's house pulled down
Thunder and rain
Jeroboam's hand withered
Altar rent
Hand restored
Meal and oil multiplied
Child restored to life
Sacrifice consumed by fire
Captains and men slain by fire
Rain brought
Waters of Jordan divided
Jordan divided
Waters healed
Mocking children torn by bears
Water supplied
Widow's oil multiplied
Pottage rendered harmless
Loaves multiplied
Child raised
Naaman healed
Gehazi struck with leprosy
Iron caused to swim
Syrians smitten
Resurrection of a man
Hezekiah healed
Shadow put back
Water changed to wine
Nobleman's son
Draught of fishes
Demoniac in the synagogue
Peter's mother-in-law healed
Impotent man healed
Centurion's servant
Raising the widow's son
Raising of Jairus' daughter
Blind men
Daughter of Syrophenician
Feeding the four thousand
Deaf and dumb healed
Blind man
Tribute money
Ten lepers
Blind man
Lazarus raised
Heals woman with the spirit of infirmity
Man with dropsy
Cursing the fig tree
Malchus healed
Second drought of fishes
His resurrection
Lame man cured
Ananias and Sapphira
Sick healed
Elymas blinded
Lame man cured
Damsel with the spirit of divination
Eutychus restored to life
Vipers bite
Father of Publius healed
Other special miracles by Paul
Miracles Performed by the Disciples and Apostles
By the Seventy
By Stephen
By Philip