Israel-The Jews
Name given to Jacob
Name given to Jacob
Called to Separation
Under the Special protection of Jehovah
1. Othniel
3. Shamgar
4. Deborah
5. Gideon
6. Abimelech
9. Jephthah
10. Ibzan
11. Elon
12. Abdon
13. Samson
Kings before the Division of the Kingdom
1. Jeroboam (1)
3. Baasha
8. Ahaziah (b)
9. Jehoram (b), or Joram
11. Jehoahaz (a)
12. Jehoash (b)
13. Jeroboam (2)
14. Zachariah
15. Shallum (a)
16. Menahem
17. Pekahiah
18. Pekah
19. Hoshea
1. Rehoboam
2. Abijam, or Abijah
4. Jehoshaphat
5. Jehoram (a)
6. Ahaziah (a)
7. Athaliah (Queen)
8. Joash, or Jehoash (a)
9. Amaziah
10. Uzziah, or Azariah
11. Jotham
13. Hezekiah
14. Manasseh
16. Josiah
17. Jehoahaz (c), or Shallum
18. Jehoiakim
19. Jehoiachin, or Jeconiah
20. Zedekiah, or Mattaniah