Manifested in All Men
MAN'S EXTREMITY, of weakness, becomes God's opportunity to help,
The Psalmist
The Disciples in the Storm
The Sick Woman
The Father of the Demoniac
The Disciples Facing a Hungry Multitude
Peter in Prison
Paul and his Companions on the Sea
A broken covenant stripped Samson of his strength
Apostasy produced a nation of cowards
Babylon enervated by idolatry
Unbelief rendered the apostles helpless to contend with Satanic forces
POWER SPIRITUAL, general references to
Gives Men Courage to Rebuke Sin
Mightier than Physical Forces
Jesus the Supreme Example of
Accompanies the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Enables Men to Speak with Authority
Over Nature
Over his own Life
Demonstrated by his Resurrection
Able to Deliver
to raise up children from stones
to fulfil promises
to make grace abound
to do exceeding abundantly
to subdue all things
to guard the soul's treasures
to save to the uttermost
to keep from falling
A jaw-bone
Five smooth stones
A handful of meal and a little oil
A cloud the size of a man's hand
Small things
The mustard seed
Five barley loaves
God's Instrument Case
In multiplying the loaves
walking on the sea
discovering the tribute money
blighting the fig-tree
stilling the tempest
turning water into wine
General References to the Control of the Elements