According to Ability
According to Ability
It Ennobles Life
It Exemplifies Neighbourliness
It is Christlike
It Demonstrates Love
It Lightens Life's Burdens
Jehoshaphat's Subjects
Immediate, examples of prompt response to the call of duty
Peter and Andrew
Peter's Mother-in-law
Paul after his Conversion
Paul and Silas in Responding to the Macedonian Call
Power for
It Ennobles Life
It Exemplifies Neighbourliness
It is Christlike
It Demonstrates Love
It Lightens Life's Burdens
It was Established in Israel
King Saul was Condemned by it
It excludes mere Professors of Religion from the Kingdom
Christ applies it in the Parable of the Good Samaritan
It reveals the Quality of Love
It will be applied in Determining Man's final Destiny
Of the Righteous
Of the Poor Widow
Of Andrew in bringing Peter to Jesus
Of Barnabas in going after Paul