Of the Old Testament
Of Jotham
Of Nathan
Of Woman of Tekoa
Of a Prophet
Found In One Gospel Only
The Barren Fig Tree
The Draw Net
The Friend at Midnight
The Good Samaritan
The Good Shepherd
The Fine Pearl
The Great Supper
The Hidden Treasure
The Householder
The Labourers in the Vineyard
The Marriage of the King's Son
The <a>Pharisee and Publican</a>
The Piece of Money
The Pounds
The Prodigal Son
The Rich Fool
The Rich Man and Lazarus
The Seed Growing in Secret
The Sheep and Goats
The Tares
The Ten Talents
The Ten Virgins
The Two Debtors
The Two Sons
The Unjust Judge
The Unjust Steward
The Unmerciful Servant
The Unprofitable Servants
The Wedding Feast
The Wise Steward
The House on the Rock
New Wine in Old Bottles
The Wicked Husbandmen