MYSTERIES, GREAT, that test the faith of men
MYSTERIES, GREAT, that test the faith of men
Of the Prosperity of the Wicked
Of the New Birth
Of Providence
Of the Future Life
Of the Union of Christ with the Church
Of the Incarnation
Of Suffering
DEITY VEILED, God spoken of as hiding himself
The Incarnation of Christ, both a mystery and a revelation
Reasons for Withholding
Inability to Apprehend Truth
Human Weakness Necessitates
Earthly Limitations Fetter
Gradual Revelation, the Divine Plan
To give Opportunity for Faith
Revelation through the Holy Spirit
Through the Prophets
Through God's Word
By Dreams
Through the Incarnation
The Shekinah, the supernatural light or cloud, which appeared on the mercy-seat
The Holy Spirit in the form of a Dove
Tongues of Fire
Answers by Fire
Angelic Appearances
Divine Appearances