Warnings concerning
Parental Shame
Denial of Christ
Man needs the Comfort and Help of
Seen in God's original plan
Illustrated in the life of Moses
Emphasized by Solomon
Appreciated by Christ
Shown by the sending forth of the disciples two by two
Recognized by Paul in his missionary work
Taking the Hand, expressive of Fellowship and Helpfulness
Jehonadab's, by Jehu
The Little Maid's, by Jesus
The Demoniac's, by Jesus
The Lame Man's, by Peter
Dorcas, by Peter in Restoring Life
The Church, Like Salt, saves by Contact
By Elijah in Raising the Widow's Son
By Elisha in the Resurrection of the Shunammite's Son
Brought Healing to those who Touched Him
The Cleansing Touch
The Quieting Touch
The Illuminating Touch
The Reassuring Touch
The Liberating Touch
The Touch upon Childhood
The Healing Touch
Examples of Israel's Separation from the heathen
Pharisaic Separation Condemned
Of the Clean and Unclean things in their use
By Elijah, in raising the Widow's son
By Elisha, In the Resurrection of the Shunammite's son
By Christ, in raising Jairus' daughter
By Christ, in healing the Deaf and Dumb man
By Christ, in healing the Blind man
By Peter, in the Resurrection of Dorcas