In the Divine Method of Revelation
In finding the Lost Sheep
Abides in Believers
Bestowed through his Words
Sustained him at the Cross
Innocent Mirth
Great joy, occasions of
The laying the Foundation of the Temple
The Creation
The Coming of Christ
The Resurrection of Christ
The Ascension of Christ
The Conversion of the Gentiles
The Incarnation of Christ
The Return of the Penitent Sinner
The Gathering Home of the Saints
The Triumph of Righteousness
In Sorrow
In Tribulation, examples of
Loss of Property
At the Return of Divine Favour
To those who Mourn
At the Deliverance of the Nation
At the Opening of the door of Hope
At the Vision of the Risen Saviour
Essential to Success in Christian Work
Comes from Bringing in the Sheaves
From Finding the Lost Sheep
The Sower and the Reaper rejoice together
Thrills the Church
Souls won are a Crown of Rejoicing
It Sustained Christ in his Suffering upon the Cross
Dedication of God's House
The Return from Captivity
The Blessings of a Spiritual Life
The Delights of God's Word
The Love of Christ