Of God Enjoined
Of God Enjoined
Regularly Employed
Assisted by an Orchestra
Vested Choir led by Precentor
A Great Chorus Choir God gave to Heman fourteen sons and three daughters
Joshua establishes religion in his home
Job sanctifies his children
The healed demoniac told to go home and witness for Christ
Mary sits at Jesus' feet in her home
Andrew leads his brother to Christ
The entire family of the nobleman accept Christ
Lydia and her household converted
The Philippian jailer and his family are baptized
Home, the best place to show piety
Abraham, for Ishmael
David, for the life of his child
David, for Solomon
Job, for his children
The father, for the demoniac
The Syrophenician mother
Brazen Serpent
Praise in, Enjoined
In Song
With Musical Instruments
Four-fold Reason for
Song in