UNITY of Believers
In Christ
Old Differences Forgotten
Harmony among Leaders
Contrition Unifies Believers
All Finally Gathered into one Fold
The Saviour Prays for a United Church
All Causes of Separation Removed in Christ
CO-OPERATION (Select Reading Nehemiah <a href="part0001.xhtml#kjvnehemiah4_1">Chap. 4</a>.)
To Sustain in Times of Weakness
To Give Success in Battle
To Nerve for the Conflict
To Inspire men to Improve their Conditions
To Encourage Reforms
To Carry through Great Undertakings
To Give Added Power in Prayer
To Bring Men to Christ
Exemplified in the Marriage Relationship
Seen in the Divine Plan of Associating Men in the Work
Moses and Aaron
Caleb and Joshua
Elijah and Elisha
Seventy sent forth two by two
Paul and Barnabas
Paul and Silas
Contentious Spirit
Foolish questions
In the Church